I AM PR stands for God-centered public relations and operates with the attitude that the glass is definitely half full. I AM PR believes that good news stories positively change the way we see the world, and inversely, the way the world sees our God. To paraphrase Romans 12:21, the mission of I AM PR is to overcome evil with good news, enriching stories and uplifting events.
ROMANS 12:21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
For any inquiries or commendations, please call: 972.567.7660 or fill out the following form
​Public Relations and Literary Services
504 Vicki Lane
Wylie, Texas 75098
Mobile: 972.567.7660
Request for Literary Agency Representation
Since 2005, I AM PR has worked with established and first-time authors who write in a variety of genres.
To be considered for literary agency representation, you may submit the following to agent@iampronline.com:
Hard copies (two sets) of three chapters of the work for which you are seeking agency representation
A basic book proposal that includes target audience, sales and marketing hooks, author biography (including recent speaking engagements, media appearances, and publishing and sales histories of your books, if applicable)
If you follow the above guidelines, we will respond to your query, via email, within 4-6 weeks. If we are interested, we may request a full book proposal. See sample book proposal formats by clicking on the links in the upper right corner of this web page.
Note: We do not return any unsolicited queries that arrive at our offices via mail, unless a self-addressed stamped envelope big enough, and with enough postage to accommodate your proposal, is included.