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Christians Must Stop Seeing Politics as ‘Evil’ Says Former Congressional Candidate


Gregg Wooding, 972-567-7660

LAKE MARY, Fla.— A former congressional candidate says Christians must stop viewing politics as “inherently evil” and be bolder in speaking out in the political arena.

“All parts of our culture, especially politics, need followers of Jesus to be involved within the system,” said Bunni Pounds, founder of nonprofit ministry Christians Engaged (

“Get involved somewhere,” said Pounds, a committed evangelical Christian. “The founders of our nation gave us a gift in our Constitution, but our liberty requires our participation.”

In her new book, “Jesus and Politics: One Woman’s Walk with God in a Mudslinging Profession,” Pounds draws on her own experiences in politics to identify six things she’s learned as both a politician and a Christian. (Watch the promo video here: )

  • Politics is not ‘inherently evil’

“Politics is not inherently evil or wrong. It is necessary,” Pounds says. “I would even consider it a godly struggle. If the church does not speak up when our government is redefining marriage, sanctioning the legal killing of unborn children, (and) running up debt into the trillions of dollars, we’re being disobedient.”

  • Worship God even in defeat

“In my heart I knew I was losing, and I suddenly realized that the next Tuesday I would have to be at the polls all day greeting people and asking for their votes, all while knowing that I would not be successful,” Pounds says. “The painful disappointment, shame, loss, and embarrassment – ultimately my own failure – hit me like a ton of bricks. As I listened to the beautiful worship songs that night, I allowed myself to feel – really feel – the pain of the race since the runoff had begun.”

  • Always put the gospel first

“We engage in politics to protect our liberties and to strengthen America,” says Pounds, “but we cannot use that as an excuse not to share the story of Jesus.”

  • Never forget the power of prayer

“The American church must go back to simply talking with God,” Pounds says. “We can’t survive a year, a month, or even a week if we don’t talk to him. We forget that we can regularly talk to God about our national burdens and about specific people – even government officials, people in the news, and God forbid, our enemies.”

  • Turn off the news

“After returning from Romania, I put the TV away and stopped my daily consumption of talk radio shows as well. Just like that. I then enjoyed the quiet. When I cut out as many of the voices that were filling my thoughts as I could without putting my head in the sand,” Pounds says, “I realized that I could hear God exponentially more clearly.”

  • Pride, anger must go

“It’s clever how pride sneaks into our lives and how quickly it enters political activity,” says Pounds. “I’ve seen Christians suddenly think really highly of themselves after getting their pictures taken with the governor. It took me a long time to deal with the hurt and betrayal I experienced during my campaign for Congress. I finally knew I was free when anger stopped spewing out of my mouth every time I talked about the race.”


Bunni Pounds is the founder of Christians Engaged (, which aims to reach and activate a million Christians to pray, vote, and engage before the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. Her new book is titled Jesus and Politics: One Woman’s Walk with God in a Mudslinging Profession.”

MEDIA: To arrange interviews, or for other inquiries: Gregg Wooding, 972-567-7660


Bunni Pounds is the President and Founder of Christians Engaged. She was a political consultant for 16 years - once leading a firm with 32 clients and 9 people in her office. For years - she worked with Members of Congress running their campaigns.

She then ran for Congress herself in 2018 becoming the only woman to make the Republican Runoff Ballot in Texas out of 6 open seats and the only person in the US endorsed by Vice President Mike Pence during the 2018 Primary Season. 

Though she came up short - God has been using her over 20 years of Christian ministry experience and political experience to lead this national ministry today. Christians Engaged has been in more than 125 churches since its launch and has had thousands across the United States take their pledge to pray, vote, and engage. They have built the only 501(c)3 voter mobilization communication system in the country and are building a comprehensive on-demand video library of curriculum for the Church on civics and biblical worldview topics. Their goal is to reach 1 million Christians by the 2024 general election.

A graduate of Christ for the Nations and Dallas Baptist University - above all Bunni loves Jesus and loves sharing the gospel with anyone who will listen - from the halls of Congress to her own hometown.

Bunni has been married to her husband Tim for 28 years. They have 2 grown sons, both married and 2 precious grandchildren.

Interview Questions for Bunni Pounds’ Jesus and Politics

1.      Mrs. Pounds, you have had quite an incredible journey, spending sixteen years in D.C. working in the political sphere while also using this as an opportunity to a witness for Christ. Please share more of your story with us

2.     Something you touch on in your new book, Jesus and Politics, is how God has brought many different divine appointments along your path. Can you tell us more about those?

3.     3. Something you’ve shared with readers is your passion to show what good leadership looks like through the political realm. Why do you believe it is so hard to get the right kinds of leaders elected into our government?

4.     Many Christians are skeptical of participating in politics or endorsing a political campaign. Why do you believe that is, and how can we be encouraged that it is okay to be part of this process?

5.     What is one key that you discuss in Jesus and Politics that you would like to share with the audience today?

6.     What are some easy ways that people can get involved in politics that they may not know about?

7.     How has writing this book transformed your own walk with Christ and your understanding of politics?

8.     What is the most important thing you want readers to take from reading this book?



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