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Best-Selling Author Identifies Text In Egyptian Artifacts That Reinforce Power And Reliability Of Sc

International Speaker and Author Josh McDowell Releases Most Convincing Apologetic Book, Titled "God-Breathed," That Reveals Rare Artifacts Confirming Ancient Biblical Texts

UHRICHSVILLE, OH, February 25, 2015 - Best-selling author Josh McDowell literally breaks new ground to offer the church and skeptics alike tangible facts for the accuracy and reliability of the Bible in his latest book, titled God-Breathed - the Undeniable Power and Reliability of Scripture (Shiloh Run Press, April 2015). In one of his most convincing apologetics messages of his five-decade-long ministry, McDowell presents the fascinating and compelling story of how recent archaeological finds—acquired from a long-standing private selection of Egyptian artifacts and other objects made from papyrus dating back nearly 2,000 years—underscore the power and reliability of Scripture. For more information and to download a free booklet, visit In "God Breathed," Josh chronicles his recent identification of ancient fragments and a 540-year-old Torah, along with his personal journey to faith as an unbelieving skeptic of Christianity and the Bible, to present a compelling case that God’s Word can be trusted to be undeniably reliable. Meanwhile in the U.S., skepticism about the truth of the Bible continues to rise according to a 2014 Barna Group study. It found the number of those who are skeptical or agnostic toward the Bible—who believe that the Bible is "just another book of teachings written by men that contains stories and advice"—has nearly doubled from 10% to 19% in just three years. "Each book, each page and each paragraph of Scripture was written through the lens of its human spokesmen, yet it still communicates the exact message God wants us to receive,” McDowell said. “His God-breathed words were supernaturally guided through his selected human instruments so that his truth would be vivid and relevant to our lives. With God as the author and men as the writers, the sixty-six books of the Bible can rightly be called the Word of God." In December of 2013, McDowell assembled a team of international scholars, to identify rare Egyptian and other ancient artifacts -- dating back as far as 1,600 and 2,200 years -- in hopes of finding fragments of ancient scriptural writings. Ancient manuscript and language experts extracted and initially analyzed and identified the papyri within these artifacts as six New Testament passages and one Old Testament manuscript fragment—seven treasures in all! While all the manuscripts are yet unpublished and must be further scrutinized to determine the exact content and more precise dating, we do know what passages these are from—Mark 15, John 14, Matthew 6 and 7, 1 John 2, Galatians 4 and Jeremiah 33—and the approximate time period. Scholars say that six of these manuscripts are possibly the earliest known Coptic papyrus of these passages in existence today. Josh has launched the Heroic Truth Experience, a live speaking tour to showcase his ministry’s museum-quality biblical artifacts as irrefutable evidence of the Bible’s reliability. “My hope is that this God-Breathed book will help people realize not only that the word of God is true, but also that it is alive and powerful. I equally want people to be convinced they can trust the Bible because the evidence is so incredible,” Josh said. Since his radical conversion to Christianity in college, Josh has been a walking testimony of how ancient fragments of Scripture powerfully drew him to God. Those ancient manuscripts and the evidence of their reliability brought him to the conclusion that they were not only true and reliable, but also that Christ was who he said he was - the Son of God who came to save the world. In 1961, Josh joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ International. Not long after, he started the Josh McDowell Ministry to reach young people worldwide with the truth and love of Jesus. Well known as an articulate speaker, Josh has addressed more than 25 million people, giving over 27,000 talks in 125 countries. Josh has authored or co-authored 142 books in over one hundred languages including, More Than a Carpenter – over 27 million copies distributed - and New Evidence That Demands a Verdict - named one of the twentieth century’s top 40 books.

Shiloh Run Press is an imprint of Barbour Publishing, Inc. that focuses on Christian living resources by uniquely qualified new and experienced authors with fresh messages for today’s Christian.

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