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AP Journalist-Turned Inspirational Author Breathes New Life, New Beginnings into Readers This Spring

Press Release/NRB 2022

New York Times Best-Seller Michelle Medlock Adams Releases New Book "Springtime for Your Spirit"

(Nashville, Tenn.) -- Springtime For Your Spirit: 90 Devotions of Hope, Joy, and New Beginnings, the latest book of New York Times best-seller Michelle Medlock Adams along with Andy Clapp, promises to breathe new life into your walk with God. The 90-day devotional with entries for March, April, and May will reawaken your spirit through famous quotes, inspirational readings, meaningful prayers, and targeted scriptures.

"We challenge you to search the pages of this devotional and experience the sweetness of this sacred season. Your beautiful new beginning awaits," says Adams, who is also an award-winning journalist, earning top honors from the Associated Press, the Society of Professional Journalists and the Hoosier State Press Association.

Whether you’re looking for those first signs of new life to burst through the soil, hunting Easter eggs with the kiddos, or seeking a closer relationship with Jesus, it seems we’re all searching for something to bring us hope, joy, and a new beginning. That’s why Springtime For Your Spirit is the perfect devotional for such a special season.

Award-winning authors Adams and Clapp have carefully woven biblical lessons into holidays and happenings that we experience only during spring, such as:

  • MLB Spring Training

  • Lent

  • Easter

  • Spring Storm Season

  • Spring Pancake Festival

  • Spring Planting

  • Mother’s Day

Each devotion not only features an inspirational teaching and quote, but also, it gives readers the opportunity to: Plant the Word, Work the Word,Pray the Word, and learn more through a Did You Know? feature.

For more information, visit

Media Note: For interviews during the National Religious Broadcasters event in Nashville, TN, interested media should contact Gregg Wooding of I AM PR, 972-567-7660/

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Michelle Medlock Adams


Michelle Medlock Adams is a best-selling author and an award-winning journalist, earning top honors from the Associated Press, the Society of Professional Journalists and the Hoosier State Press Association.

Author of over 100 books with more than 4 million books sold, Michelle is also a New York Times Bestselling ghostwriter and has won more than 70 industry awards for her journalistic endeavors, including the prestigious Golden Scroll for Best Children’s Book in 2020, 2019 and 2018 for How Much Does God Love You?, Dinosaur Devotions, and My First Day of School. And, over the past three years, she has added several first place honors from the Christian Market Book Awards, the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards, and the Illumination Book Awards in multiple categories.

Since graduating with a journalism degree from Indiana University, Michelle has written more than 1,500 articles for newspapers, magazines and websites; acted as a stringer for the Associated Press; written for a worldwide ministry; hosted “Joy In Our Town” for the Trinity Broadcasting Network; blogged twice weekly for Guideposts from 2013 to 2015; written a weekly column for a Midwest newspaper; and served as an adjunct professor at Taylor University three different years.

Today, Michelle is President of Platinum Literary Services, a premier full-service literary firm; Chairman of the Board of Advisors for Serious Writer, Inc.; an online instructor for the Serious Writer Academy; and a much sought-after speaker at writers conferences and women’s retreats all over the United States.

When not working on her own assignments, Michelle ghostwrites articles, blog posts, and books for celebrities, politicians, and some of today’s most effective and popular ministers. Michelle is celebrating the recent release of her books, What Is America?; How Much Does God Love You?; Platinum Faith (co-authored with Bethany Jett); They Call Me Mom (co-authored with Bethany Jett); Cuddle-Up Prayers; The Perfect Persimmon; and I Love You Bigger Than the Sky.

Michelle is married to her high school sweetheart, Jeff, and they have two daughters, Abby and Allyson, two sons-in-law, two granddaughters and two grandsons. She and Jeff share their home in Southern Indiana with a miniature dachshund, a rescue Greyhound/Lab mix, and two cats. When not writing or teaching writing, Michelle enjoys bass fishing, cheering on Indiana University sports teams and the Chicago Cubbies, and all things leopard print.

Today, Michelle is also President of Platinum Literary Services—a premier full-service literary firm.

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Author Andy Clapp


Andy Clapp is an award-winning author, speaker, and pastor. His debut Christmas novel, A Belated Bles sing, is set for release in September 2021 (Iron Stream Media). Both the novel and the screenplay won first place awards at the 2019 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

Additionally, Andy has four sports devotional books set for release in 2021. A committed writer of devotionals, Andy’ s work has appeared in The Secret Place and in The Upper Room. Andy' s published works have been included in HomeLife, Bible Xpress, Directions, Horizons, Lookout Magazine, and Living Light News (Canada). His church serves as host for Serious Writer ’s annual North Carolina Christian Writers Conference.

Andy is married to the love of his life, Crystal. They have two beautiful daughters, Cheyenne and Autumn, and in 2020, they welcome their first son, Brady. The family spends time serving the community with the work of the church, focusing on childhood hunger and their work building an orphanage in Uganda.

Andy earned his B.S. degree in Recreation/Leisure Studies with a minor in Religion and History at Mt. Olive College. He is currently attending Liberty University where he will finish his M.A.R. - Biblical Studies in the spring of 2021. You can learn more about Andy at his website

Suggested Interview Questions

  • Why is Springtime a great topic for a devotional?

  • Why 90 days?

  • In your devotional, Michelle, you talk about losing your pastor and brother -in-law to COVID in 2020. Many people have suffered loss over the past few year s…how will this Springtime devotional help minister to those people?

  • Andy, as a pastor and an author, do you find it hard to find balance with your writing time and your ministry preparation and pastoral duties? Or does it all work together?

  • What was it like to co-author this book? Were there any springtime topics you both wanted to write about?

  • If you had to summarize this devotional book in one word, what would that word be and why? Andy, you write about coming out of a winter season and experiencing new growth. Have you experienced that personally?

  • Michelle, you write about blooming where you’re planted. That’s easier said than done. How can we be content with where God has us?

  • What message do you hope reader s walk away with from this 90-day devotional?


"That was really good today," I said to my older sister as she finished teaching the online Bible study we'd been sharing on Facebook. "Want to go to lunch?"

"Sure," she said, grabbing her purse.

It had only been about three months since my brother-in-law passed away from COVID. It was unexpected, and horrible, and heartbreaking. My sister had been very strong throughout the entire ordeal, but I knew losing her precious husband was the most devastating thing she'd ever faced. As we headed out her front door, my sister gasped.

"Look," she said, pointing to the little great sprouts, barely visible, next to her front steps. "My hostas are coming back!"

I squinted. "Yes, I see them! I think we can officially say that Spring has sprung," I joked.

“It's about time," she said.

I could hear the emotion in her voice. Winter 2020 had been colder and darker on so many levels. We not only craved Spring; we desperately needed it. We needed to see new growth poking through the ground. We needed to feel the warmth of sunshine on our faces. We needed to hear the birds chirping. We needed it all. Of course, none of those things would bring back my brother-in-law, but the changing of seasons brought with it the promise of better days ahead. And every day since the afternoon those hostas made their appearance has seemed a bit brighter and more hopeful.

If 2020 has taught us anything, it's taught us that life is precious, that every moment is a gift, and that Jesus is still good in the midst of bad times.


New Growth, New Season

day 1 - Michelle

Just like those little hostas that were dormant for a season and sprang to life at the appointed time, so will we. If you're having a hard time right now; if you've recently suffered a great loss; or if you're still in that dormant season—hang in there. Know this—God hasn't forgotten you, and He is right there with you through every season. Remember, we often grow the most during those dormant times so trust the process and hold onto the hope you have in Jesus. Your Springtime is coming.

plant the Word

"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19, NLT)

pray the Word

Thank You, God, for loving me and sticking by me through every season. Help me to trust You even when I can't see anything but darkness. Help me to have faith even when I can't feel your presence. And help me, Lord, to be sensitive to others who might be experiencing loss. Let me show them Your love. Amen.

work the Word

· Rather than say a generic, "Call if there's anything I can do," make a specific offer to help. For example, say: "Could I go grocery shopping for you?" or "Would it be helpful if I stopped by and did some cleaning for you?

· Rather than ask the standard, "How are you?" which will probably generate the automatic (but nonauthentic) response, "I'm fine," ask: "Are you sleeping at night?" or "Are you overwhelmed with visitors?" or "Would you like some company?

· Most importantly, don't just say, "I'm praying for you," in a flippant way. Actually take the time to pray for that person every single day. You might even ask if they would like you to pray with them at that very moment. Do you know someone who is suffering great loss right now? It's difficult to know what to do or say when someone you love is grieving, but experts agree on a few helpful things you can do.

DID YOU KNOW? Psalms 56:8, NLT, says: "You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." That verse really shows us that God has compassion and mercy toward His children, and that's us! He knows about every tear you've ever cried, and He cares. Why not let your Heavenly Father love on you today? Just bask in His promises for a bit.


Winter's bland gives way to Spring's beauty.

Before Spring, all but the evergreens blend in with one another. The barren branches speak of the death of what was. What began so beautifully the previous spring became the brown drab of winter. But a new season has come.

In North Carolina, our state flower is the flowering of the dogwood tree. Every Spring, the beauty of life in the dogwoods overtakes what appeared dead before. The white blooms create a breath-taking view.

Along my drive to church, a house captures my attention. The long driveway to the house features nothing but a line of dogwoods, their splendor noted by all who pass by. Twenty dogwoods announce that a new season dawns and the majesty of a new scenery gives hope.

The first time we drove past, I told my wife and kids, "Doggone! Look at those dogwoods. Isn't that just beautiful?" My little girls gave "oohs" and "ahhs" as their little eyes absorbed what they hadn't seen before. Crystal, my wife, just smiled and stared.

"The blooming of these trees reminds us of the beauty of forgiveness," a pastor once told me.

"What was ugly before is wrapped in beauty, just as we are when we are covered in His righteousness." Those words echo in my ear each time I pass that house during the Spring.

The work of God brings such a view to life. His working underneath what is seen leads to awe when it comes into plain sight. Such is a truth of the work of forgiveness in our lives.

The ugliness of our sin tarnishes our lives. Sin leaves us barren and brown, appearing as if we are lifeless. Sin robs our lives of the beauty that God created us to hold. Yet, a new season awaits our lives.


Doggone, Those Dogwoods

day 2 - Andy

But God.

As Paul explained, Jesus, who knew no sin, took on our sin. He carried the guilt, the shame, and the ugliness of it all. What do we receive in return? Paul says that Jesus became sin so we could be wrapped in His righteousness.

With a turn to Jesus, a prayer for forgiveness, and a commitment to Him, a new life begins. Though unseen to begin with, the new life of Christ begins to bud from within and the ugliness of before is overtaken by the beauty of righteousness. When the Lord sees us, He no longer sees the sin or the dirtiness of before. When He sees us, we are wrapped in righteousness and more beautiful than we can imagine. His work becomes our new life and in that, we show the beauty of a God who forgives and wraps us in a beauty that is only possible by His hand.

Where we blended in with the world before, we now stand out just as those white blooms stand out when spring arrives. What once appeared lifeless now shows not only life, but a life marked by a creative Creator. Others take note because what is now seen in our lives is something that cannot be overlooked.

Let the beauty of the Lord be on full display in your life. Live a life that causes others to take note and say, "Doggone! Look at the beauty of that life."

plant the Word

"He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Corinthians 5:21, CSB)

pray the Word

Lord, forgive me of any sin in my life. May You create a beauty in my life that captures the attention of others and brings glory to Your name. Amen.

work the Word

Embrace the forgiveness of God. See yourself as forgiven so that you may shed the weight of what you no longer bear and shine with a beauty that speaks of God's eternal forgiveness.

DID YOU KNOW? Legend holds that Jesus was crucified on a dogwood tree. Though the Bible does not say for certain what type of tree was used for the cross of Christ, the legend of the dogwood is interesting.


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